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  • Is there an expected time of arrival each day?
    We require all children to be dropped off BEFORE 9am which is the start of the instructional portion of their day. Please let us know if your child has an appointment or special circumstance that will require them to arrive late on any given day.
  • Can we meet the teachers?
    We hold an Open House and Parent-Teacher Conferences every year. If you would like to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher at any other time, please just ask the teacher. We encourage regular ongoing communication between teachers and parents because a successful partnership depends on effective communication.
  • Can we see the building?
    We will be happy to arrange a guided tour of the facility. Simply call the school office to schedule that at your convenience.
  • Does Legacy Christian Academy have a security system?
    All doors are locked at all times. All parents, caregivers, and visitors of our school must be given access into the building by a staff member. All parents will have a 4-digit code assigned to them that must be entered when dropping off and picking up their children. Parents are required to inform the school when someone other than a parent is picking up their children and must show identification. Security cameras are placed throughout the building.
  • What if my child is sick or gets sick during the day?
    Parents will be called to pick up their child, in a timely manner. Please make sure someone is able to pick up your child as soon as possible.
  • Do I still have to pay tuition if my child is absent?
    Yes. Because DCFS requires us to maintain our student/staff ratios, we plan our staff’s work schedule based on the days your child is scheduled to attend. Our school expenses continue when one or several children are absent. This policy is standard at most licensed daycare centers.
  • Is there a minimum number of days my child can attend?
    We require a two day a week minimum for our students. We have found that children adjust better and more quickly to the school environment if they are in attendance at least two days each week.
  • Do you practice fire and tornado drills?
    We have fire drills once a month and tornado drills twice a year. This is in accordance to DCFS standards.
  • Are you closed for the holidays?
    Yes. Our calendar aligns with the Orland Park public schools.
  • What is the drop off/pick up procedure like?
    Please bring your children in through our main entrance and sign your children in using your 4-digit code provided in your email from ProCare upon registration. A staff member will take your children from the vestibule in to their class. To pick up your children at the end of the day, please pick up at Door #2, and sign your children out using your same 4-digit code. A staff member will bring your child to you. If someone other than yourself is going to pick up your child, that person must be on your Authorized Pick-Up list or you must notify the school in writing. The person picking up your child will be required to show a picture ID.
  • How do we know if the center needs to close for some reason?
    Legacy Christian Academy will contact you via the ProCare app (the app that allows for communication between parents and the school.)
  • Does my child need to be potty trained?
    Parents of Toddlers and 2 Year Olds will need to supply the school with diapers and wipes for your child. Children must be potty-trained to attend 3 year old preschool and older programs.
  • What provisions can be made for food allergies?
    If your child has food allergies that make it too difficult for our lunch program to meet their needs, we ask that parents send a healthy, comparable lunch with your child. A note from parents is required for the child’s file for this provision.

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